Seagull Models SEA230B Skyraider Warbird 10cc (Matte finished) Bee version Span 160cm Engine 10-15cc
Wingspan---------------63.0 in (160 cm).
Wing area---------------637.1 (41.1
Weight-------------------8.6lbs (3.9 kg).
Length-------------------47.8 in (121.5cm).
Engine-------------------10cc - 15cc
Radio---------------------6 channels with 7 servos.
Electric conversion: Optional.
Covered in genuine Oracover premium covering with decals applied.
Operational flaps for an improved flight envelope.
Accurate scale outline and details.
Fibreglass engine cowl with Dummy Engine insert and cowl flap detail.
Fully sheeted, airfoil tail surfaces for improved flight characteristics.
Wing Guns, Drop tanks and removable antenna for ultimate detail.
Two-piece pug in wings for easy transport.
Large removable top hatch for easy radio and flight battery access.
Electric power conversion set included.
Mechanical retracts included.
Detailed Scale cockpit with lightweight pilot included.